Decluttering for the New Semester

I will be returning to my university to resume classes next week and I am ready to take on the new semester as an aspiring minimalist. I’ve got big plans. When I left school for winter break, I just abandoned my dorm in whatever state it happened to be in. Exhaustion from finals forced me to lay in my bed watching Netflix while I waited for my mom to come pick me up. I could have been using that time to tidy up and get rid of things I no longer needed, but you know. College.

So, my first order of business when I go back will be to sort through all of my notebooks and decide what to keep and what to discard. I am anticipating that this will be difficult because I have never thrown away materials from a class so soon after finishing it. Additionally, the information is important to my major and, therefore, my life (at least what my life looks like right now).

I might try the tactic of putting everything I don’t know if I need into a box at the back of my tiny closet. If I don’t go digging around for anything for month or two, I’ll just toss the box without looking. Okay, maybe I’ll look a little, but I promise to throw away most of it.

My second task will be to declutter my t-shirts. I have no idea how I manage to keep collecting free t-shirts, but I’m drowning in them. I must have added ten to my collection last semester. Ugh, the life of a student. I’ll count how many I have when I get back to school, but my goal is to throw away 75% of them. T-shirts really clutter up my clothes drawers. Maybe this will motivate me to put more effort in dressing every day as well.

That should be enough for one day. The rest of the time will be spent catching up with friends and relaxing before the cycle of procrastination and panic begins again. This may be surprising given how I’ve talked about school so far, but I really do love college and am excited to get back into the swing of things.

Decluttering for the New Semester

2 thoughts on “Decluttering for the New Semester

  1. David Ku says:

    I would like to add one thing. Count the number of school supplies such as pens, pencils, etc. After my graduation, I realized I still have plenty of unused pens, pencils and other school supplies. Those big sales from Staples were tempting.

    If you already have certain items, there is no real need to stock up on more.


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